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22 lines

  1. table(class="table table-striped")
  2. thead
  3. tr
  4. th
  5. th(class="data-header") Height
  6. th(class="data-header") Timestamp (utc)
  7. th(class="data-header") Age (seconds)
  8. th(class="data-header") Transactions
  9. //th(class="data-header") Size (bytes)
  10. tbody
  11. each block, blockIndex in blocks
  12. if (block)
  13. tr
  14. th #{(blockIndex + blockOffset + 1).toLocaleString()}
  15. td(class="data-cell monospace")
  16. a(href=("/block-height/" + block.height)) #{block.height}
  17. td(class="data-cell monospace") #{moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(block.time) * 1000)).format("Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")}
  18. - var timeAgo = moment.duration(moment.utc(new Date()).diff(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(block.time) * 1000))));
  19. td(class="data-cell monospace") #{timeAgo.format()}
  20. td(class="data-cell monospace") #{block.tx.length.toLocaleString()}
  21. //td(class="data-cell monospace") #{block.size.toLocaleString()}