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76 lines

  1. extends layout
  2. block headContent
  3. title Mempool Info
  4. block content
  5. h1 Mempool Info
  6. hr
  7. if (getmempoolinfo)
  8. p Data from RPC command
  9. a(href="") getmempoolinfo
  10. table(class="table")
  11. tr
  12. th(class="table-active properties-header") Transaction Count
  13. td #{getmempoolinfo.size.toLocaleString()}
  14. tr
  15. - var scales = [ {val:1000000000, name:"GB"}, {val:1000000, name:"MB"}, {val:1000, name:"kB"} ];
  16. - var scaleDone = false;
  17. th(class="table-active properties-header") Tx Size
  18. td(class="monospace")
  19. span #{getmempoolinfo.bytes.toLocaleString()} bytes
  20. each item in scales
  21. if (!scaleDone)
  22. - var fraction = Math.floor(getmempoolinfo.bytes / item.val);
  23. if (fraction >= 1)
  24. - scaleDone = true;
  25. span(class="text-muted") (#{fraction} #{})
  26. tr
  27. - var scales = [ {val:1000000000, name:"GB"}, {val:1000000, name:"MB"}, {val:1000, name:"kB"} ];
  28. - var scaleDone = false;
  29. th(class="table-active properties-header") Total Size
  30. td(class="monospace")
  31. span #{getmempoolinfo.usage.toLocaleString()} bytes
  32. each item in scales
  33. if (!scaleDone)
  34. - var fraction = Math.floor(getmempoolinfo.usage / item.val);
  35. if (fraction >= 1)
  36. - scaleDone = true;
  37. span(class="text-muted") (#{fraction} #{})
  38. tr
  39. th(class="table-active properties-header") Max Size
  40. td(class="monospace") #{getmempoolinfo.maxmempool.toLocaleString()}
  41. tr
  42. th(class="table-active properties-header") Min Fee
  43. td(class="monospace") #{getmempoolinfo.mempoolminfee.toLocaleString()}
  44. tr
  45. th(class="table-active properties-header") Total Fees
  46. td(class="monospace") #{mempoolstats.totalFee.toLocaleString()}
  47. h4 Transaction count by fee level
  48. hr
  49. if (false)
  50. #{JSON.stringify(mempoolstats)}
  51. - var feeBucketLabels = [ "0 - 5 sat/B", "6 - 10 sat/B", "11 - 25 sat/B", "26 - 50 sat/B", "51 - 75 sat/B", "76 - 100 sat/B", "101 - 150 sat/B", "151+ sat/B" ];
  52. - var feeBucketTxCounts = [ mempoolstats.fee_0_5, mempoolstats.fee_6_10, mempoolstats.fee_11_25, mempoolstats.fee_26_50, mempoolstats.fee_51_75, mempoolstats.fee_76_100, mempoolstats.fee_101_150, mempoolstats.fee_151_max ];
  53. - var bgColors = [ "bg-primary", "bg-success", "bg-info", "bg-warning", "bg-danger", "bg-primary progress-bar-striped", "bg-success progress-bar-striped", "bg-info progress-bar-striped" ];
  54. table(class="table")
  55. each feeBucketLabel, index in feeBucketLabels
  56. tr
  57. th(class=("properties-header " + bgColors[index])) #{feeBucketLabel}
  58. td(class="monospace") #{feeBucketTxCounts[index].toLocaleString()}
  59. div(class="progress")
  60. each txCount, index in feeBucketTxCounts
  61. - var percent = 100 * txCount / getmempoolinfo.size;
  62. div(class=("progress-bar " + bgColors[index]), role="progressbar", style=("width: " + percent + "%;"), aria-valuenow=percent, aria-valuemin="0", aria-valuemax="100")
  63. span #{txCount}